Thursday, October 18, 2007


When I first came to Rikkyo, I could immediately see and enjoy the beauty of the Ikebukuro Campus. However, now I spend most of my time on the Niiza Campus. It took a little time, but now I'm able to enjoy the beauty of the Niiza Campus much more than ever. My general feeling about Niiza is that it is a great campus with a wonderful atmosphere.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


First I would like to apologize for people who are waiting for the new website. It is taking a little longer than I had planned. Also, it is much more difficult than originally planned. One possitive is that I have a great deal of support from my wonderful daughter, who makes sure that I'm up early every morning.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Friends From Hawaii

Recently some very close friends from Hawaii came to Japan. It was a joy to see them and their beautiful children. Pastor Ricki Aoki of Leeward Community Church and his family, visited Japan for a few weeks. Also, I was able to meet my good friend Dale Lemke who took care of Pastor Ricki's arrangements while he was here.
The photo on the left has Dale, Ricki, and me. The photo on the right has Dale's wife Heidi and their child Mia on the left. In the middle is Ricki's wife Liza holding Peter. Next to her is her is Leah with Ruthy standing behind Leah.
My wife Izumi is on the right of the photo with our daughter Emma. This morning I read a passage of the Bible that says: "If anyone says, 'I love God,' yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen."
According to the passage I quoted above, loving people is something that we have to do first before we say that we love God.

Monday, August 06, 2007


"Since God loves us, we ought to love others". I like these words. When I think about this, I realize that God loves me, although I am not perfect. I am not always kind.

If God can love someone who is not perfect like me, than I should be able to love other people.

1 John 4:11-12

Sunday, August 05, 2007

What is most important?

I think that helping people is important. In the Bible it says "The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever." I believe that doing the will of God is helping people.

Many people don't know, but I have a dream. My dream is to build an orphanage for children in Japan. I love Japan and I would like to help the people of Japan.
1 John 2:17

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

In the morning!

I love to wake up before my daughter and read the Bible, if possible. This morning I read a passage that describes God's character. In short it says that God is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love, faithful, forgiving, and just. After reading that, I felt thankful. Also, I would like to be more compassionate, gracious, kind, loving, faithful, forgiving, and fair.

Exodus 34: 4-7

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

More new blogs to check out!

A new blog can be like a new baby. So, lets enjoy these new babys together!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Sunday, May 06, 2007

IWE Golden Week

Hello IWE students,

I just want you to know that you must write at least 100 words in your journal about your presentation topic. This will be due Friday the 11th.

Other than that, I sincerely hope that you had a great Golden Week! The photo is of Golden Week in China.

Photo Credit

Sunday, April 22, 2007

New Blogs!

Please tell us something about your blog. What do you want to write about on your blog?
On my blog I like to write about many different things. Especially friends and family. The picture on the left is a picture of me and my friend Val. If you see us in the hallway please say Hi!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

What is best about your family?

I simply love my family. We are extremely close. The relationship that I have with my sister is really special. Although we live very far from each other, we do our best to support each other.

On the left is my sister, wife and her parents.

On the right is a picture of my sister and her family.

What is best about your family?

What is special about your best friend?

I have some really great friends. In the picture below is Charlie, Kentaro, and Joel. These are some of the best guys in the world.

All of them are hard working good husbands and fathers. I respect them and thank them for their friendship. If I ever have a problem I know that I could talk to any of them.

What is special about your best friend?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What is your favorite sport and why?

I love sports. The sport that I probably enjoy the most is soccer. My favorite soccer team is Real Madrid. I enjoy soccer because there is always a lot of action and you never know when a goal will be scored.

So, what is your favorite sport and why?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What is the largest sacrifice you ever made?

I gave up my motorcycle for my wife. My wife is a little afraid of motorcycles and she was worried. Yes, motorcyles are dangerous so I had to sacrifice my motorcycle for my wife.

Now, I would probably sacrifice almost anything for our little baby Emma.

So, what is the largest sacrifice you ever made?

Monday, April 16, 2007

If you could make a movie, what would it be about?

I love watching movies. There are so many types of moves that I like. If I were to make a movie it would probably be something like a James Bond movie because I love adventure.

What would you make a movie about and why?

What is your favorite movie, and why?

Recently I watched a movie called "The Italian Job". It's not new, but it was fun to watch. The movie came out in 2003. So if your interested you should be able to rent it.

So, what is your favorite movie, and why?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What single word do you like most?

My favorite word is "Thank". I think that people should be a little kinder to each other. The word or words thank you has the power to change the atmosphere.

What word do you like most and why?

What's the thing you know the most about?

I know a lot about Hawaii because I lived there many years. Before becoming a teacher, I worked in Hawaii as a tour guide. This helped me pay for school.

What's the thing you know the most about? I know a lot about Hawaii.

Monday, April 02, 2007


Living in Japan gives me the unique privlidge of worrying about US and Japan taxes!
I'm just happy that the best things in life are still free.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


This morning I want to encourage everyone to be careful about relationships. As a university student everyone wants to have a girlfriend or boyfriend. I would like to say guard your heart because that is where your joy comes from.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wild at Heart

How has your spring been? Well this spring I read a great book that I would like to recommend to every guy who reads this blog. The title of the book is "Wild at Heart". It's written by John Eldredge. This is a book for men to help them discover who they are. (To help them discover their heart)

One passage from the book that I really like is: Don't ask what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
I hope to never forget this passage and actually live it out in my life.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Sports English

In Spring 2007 I will be teaching an elective course about sports in English. The course will be held on Thursdays at the Ikebukuro campus.

It will cover baseball, basketball, soccer and American football. In particular, more time will be spent on soccer and American football compared to baseball, and basketball. In general, it should be an enjoyable class.